How do I make an AMD?
Anyone who is aged 21 years old and above, and is not mentally disordered can make an AMD. Simply follow these steps:
Obtain An AMD Form
The forms are available from medical clinics, polyclinics and hospitals. You may also ask your doctor for the form if you have decided to make an AMD.
Consult A Doctor With A Witness
The AMD must be made through a doctor (you do not need either a lawyer or legal advice to make an AMD). The doctor has the responsibility to ensure that:
1. You are not being forced into making the AMD.
2. You are not mentally disordered.
3. You understand the nature and implications of making an AMD.
You need to have two people witness you sign the AMD and they must sign the form as witnesses in your presence. One witness must be the doctor. The second witness must be 21 years or above and can be the doctor’s nurse, or any other suitable person.
If the witnesses are relatives, so long as they have no vested interests in your demise, they would be allowed to act as witness.
A doctor who for any reason objects to the AMD and registers his objection with the Registrar can refuse to witness the signing of an AMD. You can then approach another doctor to witness your AMD.
Return The Form To The Registrar Of AMD
The completed form should be sent in a sealed envelope by mail or by hand to the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives at Ministry of Health, Singapore, College of Medicine Building, 16 College Road, Singapore 169854
Your AMD is only valid when it is registered with the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives. The Registrar will send you an acknowledgment when the directive has been registered.