What is Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening?

STD screening is personalised based on your sexual exposure (i.e. type of sexual contact, oral, vaginal etc) and duration from the time of exposure.
Our doctors will be able to advice screening tests based on your concerns and exposures.

How can I prevent STDs?

STD transmission can be greatly reduced by safe sex methods such as using barrier protection methods (condoms). Routine STD screening helps reduce transmissions between partners.

Some people chose to do sexual health screening before starting a new relationship, after ending a relationship or just for periodically for peace of mind.

What are STD / STI Symptoms?

The majority of people with STDs can have no symptoms until the later stages of the infection Sometimes it is not possible to determine if a person has been infected with an STD or not just by physical examination or appearance.

Some symptoms of STDS can be localised to the genital area

- urethral (urine tract ) or vaginal discharge
- pain during urination
- itch or pain in the urethra / vagina (genital area)
- rash, sores or blisters on the penis / vagina
- lumps or growths on the penis / vagina
- pain, aching, swelling or heaviness in the testicles

Some symptoms can be more localised such as fever, body ache, rashes, tiredness and/or swollen glands.

What Happens If I don’t Treat It?

If left untreated, STDs may result in a wide range of complications, including subfertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic prostate irritation and inflammation (prostatitis ), spinal cord and brain damage and even death.

Most STDs can be treated or controlled if discovered early.

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